Snowboard Courses

5 Reasons
We have been running courses for 12 years with great knowledge of what our customers want.
5 Reasons
We help place students in instructor jobs in many resorts around the world.
5 Reasons
Best value instructor and performance courses in the market.
5 Reasons
Run by snowsport obsessed people. All staff have experience of our resorts.
5 Reasons
All our accommodation is within 5 min of the slopes.

Basecamp Snowboard Instructor Courses are the ultimate way to take your riding to the next level. We operate our snowboard courses in Val d'Isere (France) and Banff (Canada) and Mt Ruapehu (New Zealand) recognised as the worlds top resorts. Our team of snowboard instructors and resort staff have the experience to help you become the snowboarder that you have always wanted to be.

The structure of our snowboard training provides Basecampers with a complete riding experience designed to totally change the way they approach snowboarding.  Whichever course you choose, Basecamp snowboard courses give you a solid understanding of what it takes to be a top level rider.

Our Snowboard Instructor Courses offer an unbeatable fast track into the snowboard instructing industry. Our Performance Snowboard Courses have more emphasis on freeride and freestyle riding. And our ever popular All Mountain Snowboard Courses are combination of the two courses.

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Snowboard Instructors Course

These cutting edge courses combine qualifiying as a Level 1 Instructor at the begginning of season, with performance enhanced training for the remaining part of your time in resort. The Level 1 qualification gives you a great insight into the skills, techniques and teaching theory, whilst the performance coaching focuses solely on turning you into the sickest rider possible allowing you some free time to ride and practise with your friends.
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All Mountain Courses

Our brand new All Mountain Snowboard Course offers you the ulitmate winter expeirence and are ideal if on a gap year or career break. Basecamp realise that not everyone is looking to get into teaching and therefore suggest these courses to anyone looking to completely maximise their season experience in all areas of snowboarding.
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Performance Courses

Basecamp Snowboard Performance Courses are the way to go if you're looking to concentrate on improving your riding to the next level and beyond as well as to adopt a concrete understanding of the techinques and skills needed for high end riding. Without the constraint and pressure of qualifications and exams, Basecamp performance riders head out each week with the resort's best local coaches, learning everything and more there is to know about snowboarding. 
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Snowboard Instructor Courses
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All Mountain and Performance Courses, with some of the worlds best coaches! Take your snowboarding to the next level, riding with the pros, and have the best year of your life!
Snowboard Instructor Courses Canada and Europe | BASI level 1 and CASI
Looking to become a snowboard instructor? Basecamp offers BASI level 1 & 2 and CSIA snowboard instructor courses in the world’s best resorts and are a premier snowboard instructor training company.
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Snowboard Instructor Courses

Basecamp snowboard instructor courses are recognised worldwide as the ultimate fast track into the snowboard instructor industry. Offering BASI snowboard instructor qualifications in France, and CASI snowboard instructor qualifications Canada. Basecamp is recognised as one of the top snowboard instructor training poviders.