New Zealand Course Wrap Up
The season has been rolling right along in the southern hemisphere, despite it being spring time there is now end to the winter in sight. We are experiencing another massive storm front that is dumping fresh snow on us. Turoa scored a break in the weather the other day so we were up there scoring some laps in the glacier, 15cm’s and bluebird conditions left everyone with ear to ear smiles. This last top up is going to ensure we have a good coverage in the spring. Most of the resorts in NZ close the first week of October however Turoa is routinely opened into November giving us the longest season in the southern hemisphere, if you head overseas to our Canadian home base of Lake Louise you can often only miss out on riding while your on the plane.

Sadly though our instructor training course for the season has wrapped up. All of our guys put forth an amazing effort and we a pass rate on the level 2 exam that is higher than the national average according to the NZSIA. Great work from all of our groups, as well as the trainers for putting in the effort throughout the season.

Even though the course is finished a large portion of our group will we sticking around for the season. When you take our course you get a season pass that will keep you skiing right through October and our accommodation partner LKNZ lodge has lots of space to keep you fed through the spring in NZ. Bring on more pow, spring slush and post riding BBQ’s in the sun.
For some of our guys the finish of the course means they will have time to hone their instructing skills in the real world before they head off to the northern hemisphere. The Turoa snow school offers our groups the chance to work in the same season that they train, right after they complete their level one. This is a very unique part of our course, setting the groups with a great chance to beef up their instructor CV’S, making them highly employable in the very next season. Expect to see some of our guys in Canada and Japan this season.

Here is the last video from the instructor course, we caught up with some of the group to see what their favorite part of the course was. This definitely wont be the last you hear from the NZ crew though, with a lot of us sticking around there’s still lots of awesome times to be had up on the volcano.