Legs Of Steel “Nothing Else Matters” Official Trailer

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Epic new free online movie due for release in September, keep your eyes peeled for what is going to be a skiers dream. For now check out this tasty little trailer to get your freestyle and freeski urges going…

LOS are proud to announce the release of a film about skiing, winter, snow and our friends, “Nothing Else Matters”.

In Assosaton With: Völkl, Marker, Oakley, Fiat Freestyle Team, Red Bull Media House, Leki, Atomic and Monashee Powder Snowcats

Filmed and Directed by Andre Nutini

Featured Athletes: Tobi Reindl, Bene Mayr, Paddy Graham, Thomas Hlawitschka, Sven Kueenle, Fabio Studer, Max Hill, Lucas and Tobi Mangold, Antii Ollila, Oscar Scherlin, Lolo Favre, Antti Otilla, Elvis Harsheim, Sebi Geiger, Nico Zacek, Tobi Tritscher and Toni Höllwart.