Banff 4 Week Course Wrap Up.

Banff 4 week instructor course wrap up!
         This was the final week for the Banff 4 week course and it was quite a busy one. On Tuesday everyone started their CASI(Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors) or CSIA (Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance) level 1 course/exam. It’s a 3 day course that includes an ongoing exam of both teaching and riding skills. I spoke with the examiners after the course and the feedback about the Basecampers was amazing, thanks to the trainers at Lake Louise all of our groups were super prepared and demonstrated a sound knowledge of their sport. We had a very high success rate at the end of the course so that meant after it was all said and done it was time to party!
         We started our evening off with a group meal at Chili’s in Banff and from there headed out on the town. The crew at Hoodoo Lounge/nightclub in town was pretty stoked on everyone’s success on course so they gave us the VIP treatment for the night, after a round or two on them everyone was in fine form and this carried on late into the night!
Friday saw a whole bunch of the backside bowls open up at Lake Louise so those who were able to get out of bed early were rewarded. This group of basecampers has really lucked out as it is the best early season I think I have ever seen at the lake.
Saturday was the last night in town for a lot of our crew so amidst all the last minute packing we managed to squeeze a few final beers in as a group.  Today those returning home boarded the bus for the airport and said farewell to Banff (for now). Some will be returning in February to train for the level 2 instructor course.
8 of our guys were keen to stay on put their instructor skills to use and luckily all 8 of them were offered jobs at the Lake Louise Snow School so they will get to stay on and enjoy another 5 months of winter here in Banff with the best jobs in the business!